The life of a rookie is a complex thing. After completing fire academy, they are learning the ropes and discovering what they can do as a fire fighter. Every time the tones drop, the excitement begins. Every call is different and every call is a learning experience. They are becoming part of the family as they learn their role and their place.
But it isn't all serious. Rookies have to learn when they make mistakes. Leaving equipment lying around the station or the truck is makes things look messy and can be dangerous. So when they leave their stuff around the station, it may appear in the strangest of locations: like hanging from the ceiling in the apparatus bay.
Rookies get wet a lot too. So for the three rookies on my shift have each taken turns getting soaked. A few weeks ago, a hoseline advanced from the hydrant outside the station made its way in to the shower room. The occupant of the shower, one of our rookies, got sprayed with water and had a bag of flour thrown on him. Yesterday one was sprayed with the same hoseline as he looked for his shoes which were hanging from the ceining in the apparatus bay. Some say its hazing, but its all in good fun. They are being welcomed to the family.